Operating Systems 2021-1

Top 10 List of Week 07

  1. C program to illustrate the race condition.
    A sample C program to ilustrate the race condition

  2. Best Practices: synchronization
    Best practices on building concurrent save app without sacrificing performance (example in Java)

  3. Optimistic locking and automatic retry
    Locking scenarios in multiple user case, including optimistic and pesimistic locking with retry

  4. Difference between Mutex, Semaphore & Spin Locks
    A brief explanation about difference between mutex, semaphone, and spin locks

  5. Solutions to the Critical Section Problem
    Hardware solution of the critical section problem beside of Peterson Algorithm

  6. Deadlock Prevention And Avoidance
    Covers some methods of deadlock prevention and avoidance

  7. Blocking vs Nonblock Call
    Differences between blocking and nonblocking function call

  8. Explain non-blocking I/O like I’m five
    Some languages like JS work with non-blocking IO principal. This blog explains the mechanism of non-blocking IO at low level with easy explanation (like you’re five y.o)

  9. Performance difference between IPC shared memory and threads memory
    This question and answer covers why shared memory is faster than message passing

  10. Two Phase Locking Protocol: Disadvantages
    Some disadvantages of Two Phase Locking