Operating Systems 2021-1

Top 10 List of Week 06

  1. How Does Fork System Call Really Works
    A good illustration of how fork in C really works

  2. General Best Practices in the Concurrency Runtime
    Some best practices from Microsoft to build an app with concurrency process usage within it.

  3. Concurrency vs Paralelism
    This site not only describes about concurrency and paralelism differences, but also combination of concurrency and paralelism like concurrent not paralel, paralel non concurrent, etc

  4. Node.js multithreading
    Javascript is a single-threaded language, so there are some techniques that we can use to

  5. Coroutine vs Threads
    Instead of threads, we often hears about usage of coroutine on building concurrent app. This article covers the definition of coroutines, its example, and its difference from threads

  6. Understanding Golang and Goroutines
    These days people start to adopt Golang for building concurrent-intensive apps. One of the concept envolved is Goroutines, a “lightweight thread” managed by Go runtime. This article covers about Goroutines as the heart of Golang programming.

  7. Asynchronous Programming and Concurrency
    Covers use cases of asynchronous programming and the comparison with multithreading

  8. Distributed, parallel, concurrent, High-Performance Computing
    Concurrency in case of HPC (High Performance Computing)

  9. Introduction to background processing in Android
    How background processes works in Android OS

  10. Concepts: Concurrency
    Covers some practical issues on concurrency implementation on apps