Operating Systems 2021-1

Top 10 List of Week 05

  1. How Virtual Memory Works
    A compact explanation about virtual memory, paging, and impelementation in Windows

  2. How is page size determined in virtual address space?.)
    How to determine page size in linux systems.

  3. A simple demonstration of virtual memory
    A demonstration about virtual memory using C language

  4. Page Replacement Algorithms in Operating Systems
    A brief explanation about Page Replacement Algorithms with illustrations about its hit and miss

  5. Page Fault in OS (Operating System), What is Page Fault Handling
    Covers about page fault explanation with diagram and its handling

  6. struct page, the Linux physical page frame data structure
    Structure of pyhsical page frame in Linux

  7. Memory Layout of C Program
    Memory layout of C program such as Text segment, Initialized data segment, bss, heap, and stack.

  8. What’s the difference between slab and buddy system?
    A comparison between slab and buddy system on kernel.

  9. OS Local versus Global Allocation Policies
    Local vs Global Allocation in page allocation in operating systems

  10. Belady’s Anomaly in Page Replacement Algorithms
    Covers about Bélády’s anomaly which is the name given to the phenomenon where increasing the number of page frames results in an increase in the number of page faults for a given memory access pattern.