Operating Systems 2021-1

Top 10 List of Week 01

  1. Vim Cheat Sheet
    Through this site I learned some new commands of Vim

  2. Regex Cheat Sheet
    A pretty complete cheatsheet for Regex

  3. Regex 101
    I used this site to debug regex syntaxes

  4. How to Create Bash Aliases
    A compact tutorial of how to create bash aliases

  5. Bash Aliases You Can’t Live About
    Some useful bash aliases to apply

  6. Z Shell
    I used to use Zshell in my Mac so i adopted some of its aliases to my bash-alias

  7. Kubernetes Container Runtimes
    I’ve read that currently Kubernetes not only supporting Docker as container runtimes, so I read some other container runtimes that can run on top of Kubernetes

  8. Shell Scripting Tutorial
    I learn some bash scripting for tooling and scripting

  9. sed Manual
    Official sed manual from GNU

  10. awk Manual
    Official gnu manual from GNU